
Wildlife crimes in World Heritage sites

Wildlife crimes in World Heritage sites

Today, there are five distinct species of rhinos whose ranges’ span central and southern Africa and central and southern Asia. All species are, or have been, declared as…

Recovery of bird populations in Great Britain

Recovery of bird populations in Great Britain

Over the past centuries, predators have on average declined significantly, and sometimes drastically, with negative effects on the biosphere. However, that isn’t to say that the field of predator conservation lacks success stories.

The story of the recovery of the Arabian oryx

The story of the recovery of the Arabian oryx

Often called the unicorn of the desert, the majestic Arabian Oryx ranged the interior of the Arabian peninsula for thousands of years before over-hunting in the 20th century lead to its decline and ultimate eradication in the wild by 1972

The European Union (EU) Common Fisheries Policy

The European Union (EU) Common Fisheries Policy

It is the goal of this piece to discuss the European Union’s 1983 Common Fisheries Policy, the ordinance under which all fishing activities within the European Union’s Exclusive Economic Zone are conducted. It will first discuss the impetus for creating the Policy, as well as the various state and non-state actors implicated in its inception. It will then discuss the evidence which indicated a necessity for such a policy, and an analysis of how the CFP functions and how effective it has been in its goal.

Crocodile farming in Papua New Guinea

Crocodile farming in Papua New Guinea

Crocodiles have been around on this planet for some 200 million years, but since humans began hunting for crocodile meat and skin post World War II, the wild populations of these species quickly became quickly on the decline. Crocodiles are hunted to be made into luxury items such as leather shoes, handbags, watches, and wallets that are highly sought after and thus hold a high market value

Butterfly and ant interactions in lowland grasslands in the United Kingdom

Butterfly and ant interactions in lowland grasslands in the United Kingdom

The grasslands of the United Kingdom are host to a number of symbiotic relationships between the butterflies of the Lycaenidae and Nymphalidae families and various ant species. Through the early 1900s the extinction rate of invertebrates in the United Kingdom, namely butterflies, has seen a dramatic increase over the extinction rate of vertebrates. A poor understanding of the symbiotic relationship between butterflies and ants has been cited as the reason for their improper conservation

Restoration of ecosystem interactions in Yellowstone National Park, USA, with re-introduction of grey wolves

Restoration of ecosystem interactions in Yellowstone National Park, USA, with re-introduction of grey wolves

Following decades of the disappearance of grey wolves in Yellowstone National Park, in 1995 a reintroduction of this species caused significant alterations both in the present inhabitants…

The story of brown bears in the Pyrenees and compensation for sheep farmers

The story of brown bears in the Pyrenees and compensation for sheep farmers

The Pyrenees mountain range is one of the only places brown bears live in Europe. There are around twenty bears in the area, most of them from Slovenia, where they were reintroduced as a part of a government strategy. Although the population of brown bears in Pyrenees is diminishing, they are still being held responsible for many issues with sheep deaths.

Legal Rights of Sharks along Canada’s West Coast

Legal Rights of Sharks along Canada’s West Coast

For over four-hundred years sharks have been roaming the oceans, adapting to many different marine ecosystems. At one time, there were three-thousand species of sharks, today, Earth’s oceans are home to more than 350 species…

The Opportunities for and Challenges of Saving the Marbled Murrelet

The Opportunities for and Challenges of Saving the Marbled Murrelet

Brachyranohus marmoratus, commonly known as the marbled murrelet, is a small North Pacific seabird, which is a member of the Alcidae (auks) family. Marbled Murrelet are currently facing troubles of survival. With Their habitat close to British Columbia, we are obligated to conserve and preserve this species. We shall discuss the challenges and opportunities to save the marbled murrelet . Some common challenges the Marbled Murrelet faces are anthropogenic like Oil leakages