Teaching with the Cases

Dr. Janette Bulkan

Janette Bulkan is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Forestry at UBC. She has incorporated Open Educational Resources in courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

Dr. Bulkan challenges her students to apply their learning beyond the walls of the lecture hall through the creation of case studies in which students are asked to evaluate real world issues in Forestry management and conservation.

Through support from UBC’s Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTLT) and the Open Case Studies Project, Dr. Bulkan’s students learned how to use the UBC Wiki as a platform to present their case studies. Each of the case studies includes a comprehensive overview of the problem in question and ends with students’ recommendations on how one might move forward sustainably.

Dr. Richard Price

Richard Price is a Professor of International Relations at UBC’s Department of Political Science. He teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate level and is the recipient of numerous awards in teaching excellence.

In collaboration with the Open Case Studies Project, Dr. Price’s students in POLI 373: Ethics in World Politics were tasked with generating original responses on issues related to climate change and global justice.

Through support from UBC’s Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTLT) and the Open Case Studies Project, Dr. Price’s students learned how to use the UBC Wiki as a platform to present their proposed action plans.

Dr. Susan Nesbit

Professor Susan Nesbit teaches in the Department of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Sciences at UBC. Her interests in sustainability and education inspire her to provide authentic, hands-on, learning experiences for her students often through community partnerships.

In the fall of 2016, she collaborated with the Open Case Studies Project to support her students in writing a case study about the UBC Farm as a human ecosystem. Through this assignment, students in CIVL498:Environmental Stewardship in Engineering gained their first “real-world” experience in applying the ecosystem approach to conceptualize sustainable infrastructure designs.

Dr. Mark Harris

Mark Harris is a visiting Associate Professor at UBC’s Institute of Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice. Students in his course, GRSJ 306 - Globalization and Social Justice: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in International Politics, were tasked with writing case studies on important social justice movements in the 20th and 21st centuries.

In this section, you will find student created case studies on movements such as Black Lives Matter, the Arab Spring, Standing Rock, and ACT UP

Dr. Maja Krzic

Maja Krzic is an Associate Professor of Applied Biology and Soil Science at UBC’s Department of Land and Food Systems. She teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate level and is the recipient of numerous awards in teaching excellence.

Dr. Krzic's students in APBI402/SOIL502 - Sustainable Soil Management were tasked with applying of fundamental, unifying, soil science principles in sustainable ecosystem management in various real-world contexts through a series of case studies and team presentations.

Dr. Allen Sens

Dr. Allen Sens, Professor of Teaching in the Department of Political Science, co-teaches the interdisciplinary course ASIC200- Global Issues in the Arts and Sciences at UBC with Dr. David Ng, Senior Instructor and Director of Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory and Educational Facilities of Michael Smith Laboratory. Intentionally structuring the course curriculum to promote open discourse between disciplines and encourage cross-pollination of ideas, the teaching team created an role playing game (RPG) assignment. This layered assignment was developed to challenge their students to critically articulate their understanding of the intersection between disciplines on important global issues and to transform their understanding in collaboratively creating an future worlds RPG.

Dr. David Ng

Dr. David Ng, Senior Instructor and Director of Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory and Educational Facilities of Michael Smith Laboratory, co-teaches the interdisciplinary course ASIC200- Global Issues in the Arts and Sciences at UBC with Dr. Allen Sens, Professor of Teaching in the Department of Political Science. Intentionally structuring the course curriculum to promote open discourse between disciplines and encourage cross-pollination of ideas, the teaching team created an role playing game (RPG) assignment. This layered assignment was developed to challenge their students to critically articulate their understanding of the intersection between disciplines on important global issues and to transform their understanding in collaboratively creating an future worlds RPG.

Dr. Sandra Brown

Sandra Brown is an Instructor of Applied Biology and Soil Science at UBC’s Department of Land and Food Systems. She teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate level and is an recipient of UBC Soil Science Teaching and Mentorship Award.

Dr. Brown's students in APBI402/SOIL502 - Sustainable Soil Management were tasked with applying of fundamental, unifying, soil science principles in sustainable ecosystem management in various real-world contexts through a series of case studies and team presentations.