Richard Price is a Professor of International Relations at UBC’s Department of Political Science. He teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate level and is the recipient of numerous awards in teaching excellence.
In collaboration with the Open Case Studies Project, Dr. Price’s students in POLI 373: Ethics in World Politics were tasked with generating original responses on issues related to climate change and global justice.
Through support from UBC’s Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTLT) and the Open Case Studies Project, Dr. Price’s students learned how to use the UBC Wiki as a platform to present their proposed action plans.
The case study includes a comprehensive overview of the problem in question and ends with students’ recommendations on how we might address these issues sustainably.
Assignment Details
The assignment below was part of a series of assignments students were expected to complete for course credit. Approximately two 60-minute lecture blocks were used to support students in learning how to use the UBC Wiki and to conduct a facilitated follow up discussion. Tutorial blocks were also allocated to create structured time for students to discuss their research with peers and Teaching Assistants and to develop their proposals. As with more traditional assignments, students were expected to complete some of the work for this assignment outside of class time.
Classroom Observations and Student Feedback
(Winter 2017/2018 Term 1)
In all three discussion sections, students were actively engaged with one another in their respective small groups; eagerly volunteering their creative ideas, attentively listening to one another, and respectfully challenging and offering different perspectives to the group discussion. As the students grappled with the immense complexities of effective policy making, the implications of change on social, political, and economic levels, and the multitude of barriers to significant progress as a whole, emerging themes from their rich discussions were an acute awareness of the serious impact of Global Climate Change and a sense of empowerment and urgency for immediate action.
Specifically, students shared that they enjoyed the opportunity to apply theory and abstract concepts into practice and policy making, as it allowed them to gain a renewed appreciation of the complexity and respect for policy makers who are engaged in addressing climate change. The students also highlighted that they were able to enhance their active listening, negotiation, and facilitation skills through this collaborative process.
Case Study Assignment
- Assignment Instruction: Student Handout